Story Behind The Mexican Food

Mexican cuisine is very popular around the world and for good reason. There is so much variety, when it comes to Mexican food. Try other combinations that was never intended. Many people appreciate the great Mexican minds that created the popular Mexican food. Food delight our senses, our minds get the smells and looks please our eyes, enrich and inspire our souls.

A lot of Mexican food today is based on traditional recipes Mexican from thousands of years ago, when the Aztecs and the Mayans first them. Some exotic recipes and authentic Mexican food are spider monkeys, rattlesnakes and the iguana. These ingredients are not unknown, but include some modern Mexican recipes and you will find that they are not in the Taco Bell!

In addition, Mexican food evolved, when Spanish settlers, new kitchen ideas, methods and different ingredients to integrate into existing Mexican dishes. Pepper ingredient in Mexican recipes has been a staple for thousands of years and is still very popular. Some Mexican dishes, especially those that come from the Yucatan and Vera Cruz, have an influence in the Caribbean. Other Mexican dishes like Bolillo, have a French influence. Bolillo is a popular Mexican bread.

There are many health benefits when it comes to Mexican food. They are rich in vitamins and minerals, low in fat and calories. They are not authentic Mexican food, Taco Bell meal if. United States has much fat food, containing all the nutrients that you would eat if you eat in Mexico. Mexican dishes contain many fresh ingredients, you won't be able to find other types of cuisine. Tomatoes, peppers and onions are very healthy for the body.

Each Mexican region offers several Mexican food. Much depends on the geography and climate of the region and their ethnic differences. Meat dishes are very popular in the North of Mexico. Vegetables and chicken are common in the South. A lot of dishes with seafood produced in the Mexican State of Vera Cruz, as this condition lowland tropical and long runs up and at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Fish such as grouper, red snapper, are easy to find Mojarra and Snook. Mojarra is an especially delicious fish dishes. Lobsters, crabs and oysters are abundant.

Over forty rivers pass through this State, as well as the ocean. There are many types of mussels and freshwater fishing. These fish recipes can be prepared in different ways. Seafood can taste different from the popular Mexican recipes, and is a very healthy part of the diet.

Learn a lot from the history and facts about the Mexican food from different regions. Try new recipes give you an idea of why they are different. With the Mexican culture, the rich is always good to learn history, how food came to be and how they are today. As soon as you know the dishes, it makes even more fun with the cooking and eating.